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Simply put, we live in a wild ass world. Look outside, and.... it's a lot going on.


I know, understatement of the year.


We've endured a global pandemic, politics seemingly everywhere are in disarray and discord, and if you turn on the local OR national news, you're damn near sure to see something that will either make you want to tear your hair out, break something (or a lot of things), or enter into a crippling anxiety attack.


The Recess Bell, when copyrighted in 2021, was originally meant to be a mental wellness platform. Things have changed in that regard, but we are still pleased to bring you the mental-ity project. We'll bring you periodic, brief messages addressing mental stressors, and how to train our minds to circumvent them and work our way towards living a mentally healthy life, unaffected by external forces. Also, guests will chime in to share their methods of living & maintaining a mentally healthy life.


Below to help you follow along with the project: the link to the mental-ity Journal, which includes posts carrying messages of encouragement, and links to the podcast.


Thanks for submitting!

©2021 by The Recess Bell, LLC.

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